Greater Yosemite CouncilUseful Tools for Units

S.H.A.R.E.S. cards are being mailed out to many in the Council.   The card can be used at any SAVEMART, Lucky, S-MART foods, or FOODMAXX Super Markets.  For every qualifying purchase that you use your GYC S.H.A.R.E.S. card the Greater Yosemite Council gets 3% on the total qualified purchase.

Ask family members, friends, neighbors, coaches, etc. to agree to swipe a GYC S.H.A.R.E.S card on your Scout’s behalf. Explain to them how the program works and how their support will benefit our local Council and Scouts. Check with them periodically to answer any questions they may have.

Pick up your additional GYC S.H.A.R.E.S. cards for your family and friends at the Council Office or contact Jenni Long at (209)-545-6320 and we will be more than happy to mail you additional cards. There is no limit to the number of cards you are allowed to have and share.

Helpful Tips:

* Keep your SHARES card in your wallet near your debit/credit card.

* Simply alert the cashier that you will be using your SHARES card. You will then be asked to swipe your card prior to your usual form of payment.

* Use your SHARES card with every purchase, big or small on bakery, deli, and pharmacy purchases as well.

* Non-qualifying purchases include: postage stamps, all gift cards, Ticketmaster, event tickets, BART & transportation tickets, money orders & MoneyGram, Lotto, charity icon sales, fuel, check cashing fee, liquor, and sales tax.

Did your unit qualify for Journey to Excellence for 2013?  Recharter is the perfect time to compare membership numbers, take an inventory on trained leaders, count up your unit’s involvement in activities such as camp and service projects, and then fill out and submit your scorecard to your District Executive.

There are three levels of achievement, Bronze, Silver and Gold (see patch image below).  PLUS, if your unit recharters with 100% Boys’ Life magazine subscriptions (1 per household)  the patches will even reflect that achievement!

To download the appropriate JTE scorecard for your unit type just go to .  Contact your Unit Commissioner if you have any questions.  If you are unsure of who your Unit Commissioner is or need their contact information, call the Council office:  (209)545-6320.

Silver Beaver Nominations now being accepted!

Download form and submit to the Council by January 31st, 2014.

Silver Beaver honors will be awarded at the Annual Council Recognition Dinner on Wednesday, March 19th, 2014.