Cub Scout Leader Training
Cub Scout Leader Fast Start | Online Learning Center |
Youth Protection Training | Online Learning Center |
Cub Scout Leader Roundtable | Monthly in each district |
Cub Leader Basic Training | Online Learning Center |
Cub Leader Basic Training | Held in the fall and in the Spring - check the Council Calendar for dates! |
Cub Scout Leader University of Scouting | Usually in the Fall. |
Basic Adult leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) | Offered twice/year, Spring and Fall |
Boy Scout/Varsity Scout Leader Training
Boy Scout Leader Fast Start | Online Learning Center |
Youth Protection Training | Online Learning Center |
Boy Scout Leader Specific Training | Held in the fall and in the Spring - check the Council Calendar for dates! |
Boy Scout Leader Roundtable | Monthly in each district |
Troop Committee Challenge | Online Learning Center |
Safe Swim Defense | Online Learning Center |
Safety Afloat | Online Learning Center |
Basic Backpack Awareness | Held yearly in Modesto in May |
Backpack Awareness - Outdoor | Usually first weekend in June Backpacking in to Bear Lake |
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) | Held in the fall and in the Spring - check the Council Calendar for dates! |
University of Scouting | Usually in the Fall |
High Adventure Winter Awareness Course | Held yearly in Modesto in January |
High Adventure Winter Awareness Course - Outdoor | Held in the month(s) following the indoor course - subject to snow conditions |
Venture Leader Training
Philmont Training Center
Serving as the only national volunteer training center for the Boy Scouts of

America since 1950, the Philmont Training Center (PTC) provides a unique environment for the training of volunteer and professional leaders. Each year, more than 6,000 Scouters and family members attend PTC.
Each conference features the latest tools and techniques, audiovisuals, discussions, idea sharing, and activities led by a faculty of experienced Scouters. Invitation to these conferences is upon recommendation of the local council or a national committee. The 2014 Training Center course schedule is now available online.
Attendance is by invitation only. A local council must make arrangements with Philmont for a Scouter to attend these courses. Let your DE know if you are interested in attending Philmont.
Philmont is a magical place much better than Disneyland. Why? The people! Beginning with the staff, especially the college students hired as counselors responsible for children's programs, to the trainers and other volunteers you meet from all across the nation, every one of the people associated with Philmont is top notch. The parking lot is a neat place to get a sense of where Scouters come from to attend Philmont. License plates from all over the nation will appear during the summer -- Alaska to Maine, Minnesota to Florida, California to the Carolinas you will see them all. This is one of the best family vacations possible. While you attend your training sessions during the day the Philmont staff provides a great program for your children. Other than meal times and evenings you do not have to worry about your children, the staff keeps them occupied in programs geared to their age and development. They even have grandmothers on staff to help with the infants! Now how thoughtful is that. The wives (and some husbands) also have their own schedule of activities like crafts, hiking, nature study, and they often include a trip to Taos, New Mexico where there is lots of great food and lots of shopping.
The training sessions at the Philmont Training Center are the best! You will have the best trainers in Scouting and they are very well prepared with lots of personal knowledge on the course material. That provides a good foundation for learning, but I also found great value in my fellow course participants. Philmont courses give you a much deeper understanding of Scouting because the course material is great, the staff is great and your fellow participants are some of the best Scouters you will ever meet.
Philmont is a magical place! Put a trip to the Philmont Training Center on your "to do list" of Scouting activities. Go to the Philmont web site, find a training session that interests you, get an invitation from the council, ride some wheels, fly a plane, take a train, walk if you have to - just take your family to Philmont!
Supplemental Training
Supplemental training modules are designed to provide orientation beyond the basic training offered in New Leader Essentials and leader-specific training. Each module is a unit of training that can be used as an outline for a group, for personal coaching, or for self-study. Most of the outlines should require about an hour to complete. Consider each unit of study to be an introduction to the subject. Scouters are welcome to download subjects that are of interest for personal or unit use. There are no training credits associated with the completion of these units of study. Additional training units are being developed and will be continually added to this site.
How to Conduct A Pinewood Derby
Beginning Cold Weather Camping
Cooking Without Utensils
Leave No Trace: Preserving the Beauty and Maintaining Our Access to the Land
Disc Golf in Support of Scouting
Merit Badge Counselor Instructors Guide
Board of Review Training
The Order of the Arrow and Your Troop
Orientation for New Boy Scout Parents
Planning and Conducting a Safe Scout Outing
Recruiting Quality Training Staff
Scoutmaster Conference Training
Selecting Quality Leaders
Conducting an Interfaith Service
Supporting Scouts with AD/HD ppt and doc