Gold Country District

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Gold Country District

Gold Country District

Eagle Scout Advancement

PLEASE READ Pandemic Update

To streamline the approval process for an Eagle Scout Project and prepare for the Board of Review, here's what to do:

  • Click the link and follow the instruction on how to download your workbook. National Website
  • Review the National BSA Link to an external siteEagle Scout Rank advancement process.
  • Complete proposal section of the Eagle Scout Project Workbook describing your plans for your Eagle project.
  • Bring the partially completed Workbook to the Eagle Project Review Board:
    • Calendar itemThird Wednesday of every month at 7pm.
    • LocationFirst Methodist Church, 200 W. Oak St., Lodi(STOP DON'T GO TO THE CHURCH READ the Pandemic Update first)
  • Complete your Eagle project.
  • Bring the completed Workbook and Eagle Application(Click here under Rank Advancement: Eagle Scout Rank Application) to the Modesto Scout office.
  • Review the local  Eagle Board of Review Instructions
  • Complete the Board of Review.
  • When the certificate is received from the National Office you can then set a date for your Eagle Court of Honor and order your Eagle Scout Award Kit, invitations, and other related items. For more information on the Eagle Court of Honor read  Eagle Court of Honor Ceremonies

Have questions? Call the Scout Office (209-545-6320) for answers!

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