Friends of Scouting - Charter MemberJames E. West FellowshipFriends of Scouting - Sustaining Member

May Merit Badges

May Merit Badges
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
5/7/2024 11:55 PM
11760 Livingston Cressey Rd
Livingston, CA 95334, US
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The last date for registration has passed.

McConnell Merit Badges

Check-in at 8:30 am

Approximate end time: 4:00 pm


Classes are limited to 10 scouts per session. Refer to the general instructions below to be prepared for your workshops!  

General Instructions:

  1. Each Scout must bring:
    • Blue card signed by their Unit Leader for each Merit Badge.
      • Please review Section 7: The Merit Badge Program (Pages 40-51) in the Guide of Advancement, the only official source of the Boy Scouts of America, to follow the merit badge process.
    • Appropriate Merit Badge Pamphlet.
    • Pen, paper, and all other material required for the Merit Badge.
  2. Scouts must bring appropriate proof of completion of all prerequisites and be prepared to discuss, report, and demonstrate all prerequisites.
  3. One Merit Badge per Scout per day.
  4. Each Scout must complete all prerequisites before class. If any prerequisites ask for written work, drawings, etc, you must bring it to the class to show to your merit badge counselor. To be unprepared is not fair to those who have prepared and to the Counselors reviewing the subjects.  Remember, Merit Badges are EARNED, not given out!
  5. Lunch for Scouts taking Merit Badge will be provided, $5 for all others. Extra lunch can be added under your scout's registration.


Click on each Merit Badge to access the requirements:

Digital Technology

Family Life





Need a workbook for your merit badge? You can find workbooks for your merit badge HERE.

*Keep in mind that these workbooks are OPTIONAL aids. A Scout is expected to meet the requirements exactly as stated - no more and no less.
If a requirement uses words like "show," "demonstrate," or "discuss," then every Scout must do that. Just filling out the workbook is NOT sufficient!
Scouts should use the workbooks to prepare notes to themselves, and should not assume that filling in the workbook is sufficient to earn the badge.


NOTE:  Changes to some merit badges will become effective on January 1, 2024. Click on the link for more information:


If you have any questions please contact the Merit Badges Event Coordinator, Robert Alvarado.



$25.00 per Welding MB
$25.00 per Digital Technology MB
$25.00 per Family Life MB
$25.00 per Safety MB
$25.00 per Swimming MB
Cancellation Policy
All fees are non-refundable. If you cannot attend the event you need to contact the council before the day of the event to open back the space and move your registration to another merit badge event.